Tuesday, October 13, 2009

A tender moment...

So Azlyn and I were dropping Mason off at preschool this morning, just like every Tuesday morning. He walks into his classroom and takes his coat, gloves, and hat off. Then he walks over to the board to find his name to show he's checked in for the day. Next, he walks over to his table, finds the piece of paper with his name on it and begins drawing pictures and writing his name like he's been doing this for years. Really, this was a pretty ordinary day, very routine until those big hazel eyes looked up at me and said "Mommy, I'm really going to miss you today! But it's o.k. I'll be fine, you can leave now."

Did I forget to remove the sign on my forehead that said "Mommy's heart breaks when I have to leave you!"? I would have thought that by now it would have been easier to drop him off and go but I wanted to stay! I find myself standing outside of his classroom looking into the big window just watching his every move. Not because I wonder if he'll be a good boy or not, but simply because I'm not ready to let him go into the big world. Yes, I know it's time but sheesh! No one warned me how hard this would be!

So it all ended well! Two and a half hours passed. Azlyn and I grabbed our coats and drove off like a crazy person just to go pick Mason up! Now one would hope that after missing someone so much they'd get the opportunity to grab the first hug from their little man! Well, not today, or any day for that matter! Mason came running over to Azlyn and gave her a big hug and kiss. "Oh Azee, did you miss me? I missed you!!! O.K. mom, we can go home now!"

...and that's when I realized that while I have to learn to let him grow and find his way, he knows where home is and who's waiting for him. And that's a good feeling...

1 comment:

  1. OK memory flashback for me. Sounds soooo much like a little girl I knew so many moons ago. It doesn't get any easier as they grow older.
